I'm ill right now. and 3 days from now we'll be having our second long test that would take up mirror,reflection and optics. My whole body is not functioning right now causing me to be a lame person.And I've heard that our teacher gave away plus points for the test ( +5, +4, +3).How nice..
It would be a hard time for me coping up with lessons because Physics is just a twin of math related subjects which are out of my league.
I'm really sick.
lured into a deep sleep at Friday, August 03, 2007 0 person(s) commented while I sleep
A project to finish. >_<
damn. our group have to finish the music video that is 15/100 of our grade. T_Tour group had a shooting last two weeks but our project is only 1/4 of completion.
err. >_<
Labels: Physics Posts
lured into a deep sleep at Sunday, July 29, 2007 0 person(s) commented while I sleep